Xin Visa Canada Tạm Thời Cho Người Đang Ở Tại Canada Dưới Dạng Work Permit hoặc Study Permit (Form IMM 5257)


Khách hàng đang ở Canada bằng Work Permit, muốn về Việt Nam rồi quay lại nên cần phải xin Visa tạm thời (Temporary Resident Visa)


1. Extend or change the conditions on your work permit: Traveling outside Canada and re-entering

2. Extend or change the conditions on your work permit: Traveling outside Canada and re-entering



1. Đăng nhập IRCC Account. Link:

2. Upload Form IMM 5257 và các required documents

3. Trả phí 100 CAD


1. Form IMM 5257 (English): IMM 5257 E: Application for visitor visa (temporary resident visa) (

2. Work Permit hoặc Study Permit

3. Passport

4. Employment Records

You must provide proof of work experience for your current job and for each past position you listed. Proof must include a reference letter from your employer and pay stubs, if you have them. The reference letter must:
  • be an official document printed on company letterhead
  • include your name, the company's contact information (address, telephone number and e-mail address), the signature of your immediate
  • show all positions held while employed at the company
  • include these details: job title, duties/responsibilities, job status (if current job), the dates you worked for the company, the number of work hours per week and your annual salary plus benefits.
You must scan all documents for this period of employment and save them as one file. (You must create a separate file for each period of employment.)

5. Ảnh chân dung nền trắng 

6. Form Schedule 1 - Application for a Temporary Resident Visa Made Outside Canada (IMM 5257)SCHEDULE 1 APPLICATION FOR TEMPORARY RESIDENCE (

7. Receipt đóng phí 100 CAD

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